The Path to (Muscular) Prosperity Week Nine: The Paul Ryan Gym Pics


This image may contain Human Person Sport Sports Exercise Working Out Fitness Helmet Clothing and <strong></strong>Apparel

Paul Ryan's been pumping away at P90X for years (I think); I've only been doing it for 67 days. But the likeness to his TIME photo shoot is uncanny. Sure, my biceps aren't as ripped and I'm not as svelte, but at least the red hat is remarkably similar. My next step: become a wonkish politician gunning for a federal government the size of a Boy Scout troop.

This image may contain Clothing Apparel Human Person Footwear Shoe Exercise Sport Sports Fitness and Working Out
This image may contain Human Person Fitness Exercise Sport Sports Working Out Gym Clothing Apparel and Squat
This image may contain Clothing Apparel Human Person Fitness Exercise Sport Sports Working Out Footwear and Sitting
Image may contain Paul Ryan Clothing Apparel Sitting Human Person Tie Accessories Accessory Footwear and Overcoat
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