This New Skincare Line Has an Interesting Demographic


If you’ve ever been tempted to borrow some face lotion from a woman, opened the jar up and decided against it thanks to its intensely perfumed smell you’re not alone. In fact, that precise circumstance is what inspired luxury fashion alum David Arbuthnot to launch his unisex skincare line, Context, just last month. Packed with the powerful ingredients you’ll find in women’s products without all of the gender-specific fragrance and marketing add-ons that make you question using it, the bare-bones brand is attempting to forge new ground.

Photo contextskin

Photo: @contextskin

Arbuthnot is focused on keeping Context as simple as possible, offering just a few core products that cover the most important part of a person’s routine, and sticking to natural ingredients that also account for a few sex-specific skincare needs. For example, since men tend to produce more sebum than women, there’s a moisturizer option that’s oil-free. The line also includes a cleanser, exfoliator, toner, eye cream and night cream—and nothing will run you more than $45.

The jury's out on whether unisex skincare is the way of the future—but just think of how uncluttered your medicine cabinet could be.

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