6 GQ-Approved Products to Keep Your Sweat In Under Control


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1. Baxter of California Deodorant

Natural ingredients like chamomile and witch hazel mean you don’t have to worry about yellow pit stains; the citrusy scent means you don’t have to worry about stinking up the joint.$18, baxterofcalifornia.com

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2. Comfort Zone Tranquility Body Lotion

Most guys ignore—foolishly—the skin below their necks. All they need is the perfect moisturizer. This Italian amaranth-oil-based one smooths the skin better than a sauna shvitz.$36, bigelowchemists.com

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3. L:A Bruket hand lotion

No, we didn’t know what meadowfoam and comfrey were before we found this Swedish lotion. But now we do: They’re downright magical ingredients that’ll nurse your dried-out paws back to health.$26, labruket.se

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4. Degree Men Adventure Dry SpraySprays, popular around the world, are gaining traction here at home, and we couldn’t be happier: The nozzle dusts your pits with a fuller coat of sweatchoking, smell-blocking antiperspirant than you get with a stick.$7, cvs.com

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5. Anthony No Sweat Body Defense

It’s a magic version of talc that goes on like a cream before alchemizing into swamppreventing powder. And it’s fully edible, in case you’re wondering (or she’s worried).$20, anthony.com

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6. C.O. Bigelow Tea Tree Oil

The fact is, your feet are prone to going fungal—especially on those days you forget your gym shower slides. A few drops of tea tree oil is the all-natural way to prevent a visit to Dr. Tinactin.$10, bigelowchemists.com

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