Hot Fat Girl Revolution — Dangerous Lilly



I’m sure that the majority of my readers don’t qualify for this, being not a girl or not fat. But I think some of you might appreciate this. I urge you to re-post this (include that link to the original author’s article, plzthx) AND and and and! Most Important! Take a deep breath and take a sexy photo of yourself. Something like mine up there. Don’t hide behind massive cropping for this, but feel free to do what you need to feel sexy. That picture there? More deleted attempts than I care to admit before I got a good shot – and it’s taking a big deep courageous breath to hit the Publish button. If you want help, email me. If you do this, let me know and I’ll put a link up to your post at the end of this one. Come on, don’t leave me hangin here ladies, join me in being a Hot Fat Girl! The rest of you folks can support us and cheer us on.

This Hot Fat Girl Revolution is not my idea, I found this article and the manifesto that Zoe wrote for herself and all Hot Fat Girls. Go read the article in it’s entirety, it gives some background on why Zoe wrote this.

I underlined the parts that really resonated with me personally. Right now I’m trying to find clothes for the Calendar launch party in NYC in a month. While I’m sure very few will pay as much attention to what I’m wearing as I think they will, I still need to *feel* sexy and like I belong in NYC (rather than the sticks of Nowheresville). And finding appropriate clothes has been DAMN hard. I resorted to doing my shopping online. That’s pretty hit-or-miss; moreso when the trendier sexy pieces are “Jr Plus” for the younger girls and a 1x in Jr Plus is about two sizes smaller than a 1x in the rest of plus-size world. I got my top, which is sleeveless, and it’s pretty good albeit shedding glitter like Tinkerbell. I’d prefer it to be a little roomier in the tummy, but that’s what Spanx is for. Since it’s sleeveless I got a shrug/bolero thingie to go over, but it’s too plain and too short in the back. It’ll be going back and I’ll need to find another one more appropriate. I’ve got fingers and toes crossed that the skirt and crinoline petticoat are arriving soon and, more importantly, will fit.

I have to shop online because nearly all brick-and-mortar stores have a teeny tiny (ironic, no?) plus-size section. Maybe 1/10th the clothing as “regular” size, if we’re lucky. Which is damn ridiculous seeing as how nearly 2/3 of American women have a BMI of over 25 (that starts the “overweight/obese” ranking) and 1/2 of those women are into the “obese” category with a BMI of over 30. Now, I don’t know what clothing sizes that correlates to for the “overweight” category but I do know that obese=plus-size. So why are we treated like lepers in most clothing/department stores?

I am trying my best to say “Just because I’m fat doesn’t exclude me from being sexy”, I’m not being an advocate for each and every bullet point below because I didn’t write it. If you take issue with it, go take issue to the author of the list.

By Zoe Whittall (for

BECAUSE being a hot fat girl is a lot of work and is undervalued or unrecognized. Because a fat girl still has to pay more money for uglier clothes or spend 11 hours at the thrift store to find anything hot to wear. Because if you take the elevator people think you’re lazy but if you’re on the treadmill people laugh. Because men like John Goodman and Bernie Mac get to have careers on television but most sitcom moms of three still have size-two waists. Because even feminist magazines publish fat-phobic articles under the guise of it being a “health issue.” Because anti-capitalist activists still use expressions like “fat capitalist pig.” Because girls are dieting at the age of nine. Because side effects of the most popular diet drugs are seizures, heart failure, fecal urgency, breast cancer, lung disease, insomnia, nausea and vomiting, dangerously high blood pressure, abnormal heartbeat, psychosis, strokes, hallucinations and sudden death. Because the Cooper Institute’s ongoing study of 30,000 people has found that those who are fittest live the longest, no matter what they weigh. Because the doctor who said that there were 30,000 “obesity-related” deaths each year received over $2 million in research funding from Jenny Craig and Weight Watchers. Because that study prompted the FDA to approve Phen-Phen and Redux. Because fat hatred is a money-making industry. Because fat people who exercise live longer than thin people who don’t. Because if you lose weight ’cause you’re sick people tell you how great you look. Because hatred is so ingrained in every single one of us, especially inside the heart of even the hottest fat girl. Because even the most progressive people don’t talk or write about it. Because I am tired of being ignored, invisible, de-sexualized and told that I have such a pretty face. Because it’s not fat that kills, it’s fear of fat.


For all that and more I am a part of the HOT FAT GIRL REVOLUTION!


Feel free to use this sidebar banner on your blog and link back to this post or your post to show that you’re in the Hot Fat Girl Revolution! If you are just a supporter of us Hot Fat Girls you can use it too and link back to this post.

Yay, the first fellow Hot Fat Girl has joined me :) Go say hello to Lilikka!

Ashley has posted some pics and put in her thoughts, please go visit her!

For a really good read on the first point in that list up there from a hot girl who’s blog is all about being a hot fat girl, please go read Shannon’s thoughts

My good friend, BadBadGirl, put up her Hot Fat Girl photo – the one that boosts her confidence and spirits on bad days

Dani has joined in and posted her Hot Fat Girl photo and thoughts!

Vanilla Kinks has put up her photo and post, please go show her some love! She’s busting myths that seem to follow all fat people around like a dark cloud.

Sexaholic BBW finally got her butt around to participating and posting a photo, hehe. Go check her out!

Now I know that “fat” isn’t the only category of women who have a hard time. The other end of the scale does, too. So if you’re a Hot Skinny Girl and want to write a similar manifesto, please do! And let me know about it!

Visit Amy to read about the Hot Skinny Girl side of the coin

EDIT: Thanks to Mr. Common Sense from Illinois, I now have to completely fuck up the flow and aura of this post and what it is supposed to represent. There are ALOT of very valid points up there in that list but Mr. Common Sense chose to start a goddamn debate on a post asking for SUPPORT. If you’d like to further debate the 1 point out of nearly 20 that Zoe wrote, whether you’re in agreement with or disagreement with Mr. Hijacker, that’s a debate for another time, another post and who knows maybe even another blog. But most definitely not this post, ok? My house, my rules. “Public” blog or not.

**I don’t fully agree with every single reason listed and I will say that this one deserves a caveat. Yes, fat can kill. Excessive fat can be very unhealthy and exacerbate other diseases that kill. But fat alone doesn’t necessarily always kill. Fat does not always equal unhealthy. Fat does not always equal healthy. This is all I will say on the matter, and I expect you to respect it and do the same.

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