How to Get Miles Teller's Perfect Wavy Hair


This image may contain Miles Teller Tie Accessories Accessory Human Person Face Suit Coat Clothing and <strong></strong>Overcoat
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28-year-old Miles Teller might be the perfectly affable, honest-to-a-fault Jennifer Lawrence of the male breed. The Whiplash star (who is about to have the biggest year of his career with Insurgent, Fantastic Four, and _Bleed for This _all coming out) is humble, yet utterly comfortable in his own skin. Soundbites on the future of his leading man status like “I think my face helps with that, because I’m attractive enough, but I’m not too attractive to where, you know, I’m not accessible,” make you like him. You’ll probably still like him even after watching him show off a set of ripped abs on The Tonight Show With Jimmy Fallon because he couched it with the fact that he still can’t grow facial hair. And that brings us to his hair. That hair.

Mile’s Teller’s greatest strength may be the perfectly shaped locks coming out of his self-aware head. “I would reference it to a 90’s Giorgio Armani or Richard Gere feeling in a great way. A classic look for a gentleman,” says celebrity stylist Jordan Blackmore of Three Squares Studio in New York City. “It’s an effortless look.” We wanted to know how to recreate it, so Blackmore gave us the scoop.

The Cut: “Ask your stylist for a scissor over comb cut, meaning no clippers are used. The cut should be half an inch at the nape, 1 inch on the sides, and 2 inches on top.”

**The Style: **“It helps for your hair to be naturally wavy. If not, reach for Oribe’s Grandiose Mousse, and mix it with Oribe’s Fiber Groom. (Wavy-haired guys can skip the mousse and just use Fiber Groom.) You’ll want to style your hair while it’s damp using a crimping method with your hands to help form the curls, and allow it to blow dry naturally. No brush necessary.”

**Extra Tip: **“You don’t want to overthink this look when you’re styling your hair. You may want to splurge for a decent haircut that will properly form into shape. Otherwise, you could end up looking more like Kramer.”

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