First Dates Are Awful—Here's What You Should Do Instead


I hate first dates and, on principle, try to avoid them. My best, or least-worst, relationships all began by meeting somebody in real life, getting a crush, and then, because the vibes were so strong, one thing led to another naturally. The concept of going on a date FIRST to suss out if you’re into somebody? It just doesn’t seem like the right order of operations.

If I had my way, I’d never again sit across from a stranger at a trendy bar beside dozens of other potential future couples, phone in small talk, regret ordering the IPA that makes my mouth taste increasingly like a skunk mausoleum with every swallow, and wonder how many more drinks it’s going to last. This routine—let’s call it the First Date Industrial Complex, the arbitrary convention of meeting a stranger for beverages and then deciding if you want to get naked with them—is draining our time, energy, and wallets. Folks, it’s a real bummer, and I think we can do better.

There’s a more casual, low stakes, fun alternative to this monotony—a way to entertain a potential new slampiece-or-more, with a built-in social component and the support of your friends. I propose an alternative: invite a crush to a party or a concert or a low-key picnic with pals instead of planning yet another stilted, IPA-centric, one-on-one first date.

“The most common letter I get right now is dating fatigue-related—across the board,” says Meredith Goldstein, Love Letters columnist at The Boston Globe and author of Can’t Help Myself: Lessons & Confessions From a Modern Advice Columnist. “That might stem from not ever having the date to begin with—never-ending swiping without an actual outing—but it also is about once you get there, having to engage with a new person.”

At least, in a casual group setting, “you’re not sitting across from someone saying, ‘Can I see myself betrothed to this person?’ Which is why a lot of okay dates, which could be amazing by date four, never make it to date two,” says Goldstein. “Sometimes people ask really big questions on a first date that you wouldn’t ask if you were just out with someone in a larger group socially.”

When I posited this concept of hosting first dates in the company of friends on Twitter, I received some blowback. One mutual replied “Psychotic!!!” Another, a friend who recently got married, responded, “Not wanting to be without your friends long enough to meet someone else one-on-one? Is that the idea here?” Judgy!

I get how this approach might sound a bit immature, or regressive, like dating with training wheels. But as adults, the safety net of friends can still offer the support you need—whether that’s by showing up as a wingman, or serving as a sounding board post-hang—especially in the beginning, when you can’t always tell what’s going on between you and a new, maybe-boo.

Take my friends Gleni and Paul, who recently celebrated their three-year anniversary. They had their first date, at an outdoor concert in Prospect Park, in the company of three of Gleni’s guy friends. When Paul suggested they meet there, instead of making plans to go together, Gleni recalls feeling unsure if it actually was a romantic hang. So she recruited backup. “I didn't want to be alone on a not-date with someone I might not actually enjoy spending time with,” she says.

Once they met up at the show, though, the sparks were flying, and her friends, sensing the chemistry, eventually began to peel off. Having them there for a little while though, serving as chill peer chaperones, did help Gleni get a better read on things: “At one point, I’d left Paul and my friend Tim alone to get a drink, and later I asked Tim if he'd been cool and normal when I was gone and he gave him a good review,” says Gleni. “It was nice to have another trusted opinion on a stranger.”

And in some cases, you may start off one-on-one with someone, and feel confident enough about them that you’re ready to bring them around your people right away—like sleeping together on the first date, but instead, you’re fast-tracking social intimacy. This also takes the pressure off introducing them to your friends later on, when you’re already emotionally invested in this new person and desperately hoping they get the stamp of approval from your pals.

Two drinks into the first date with her now-boyfriend, Greta Rainbow, a writer for WQRX radio, invited him to come with her to a birthday party that night. “I had to meet my friends but kinda didn’t tell him that before the date,” she says. But “it was going well so I figured it would be fine and if he was weird around my friends then he wasn’t gonna work out.” They’ve been together now for two years.

“Some people are at their best and most relaxed and funniest and most charming when they’re around the people who love them most,” says Goldstein. “So why wouldn’t you want someone to see you in that kind of space?”

The casual, peer-approved method does come with its own set of pitfalls. Once, I invited an acquaintance crush to a cool party that would be attended by our mutual friends. Things were going swimmingly, I thought, until this other boy showed up and started unexpectedly giving me lots of attention. I ended up talking with this cute saboteur more than the guy I invited.

“You have to be really good at time management in a social situation because you’re tending to your friends and a possible romantic connection,” Goldstein cautions.

But perhaps this failed attempt was an indicator that me and the dude weren’t meant to be. Sure, a one-on-one first date is certainly a more controlled environment, but if you and a new prospect can make it through a party, which presents all kinds of competing distractions, and still want to go home together? You could argue that it’s a litmus test for your chances of making it in the real world.

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