It’s done, it’s finished, it’s up.
The first edition of e[lust] is finally out the door. Whew!
I had great helpers but I still had a lot of work to do – hopefuly by edition #3 I’ll have worked out the kinks and it’ll go more smoothly. As usual it was the theme that gave me the biggest headache – finding one with a simple design, with columns the way I wanted AND that would look right on all browsers? Harder than you think. { as I am sitting here writing this, I realize I left out a link before I posted the first edition. So typical of me!! At least I added it within a few hours of the post going live so not too many people will have missed out on it}
Even if you didn’t participate in this edition, I’d appreciate it if you check it out and especially this post – I’d like to see some opinions and votes! I’ll be posting the digest on this blog over the weekend, but for now you can check it out here.
I’ve got an HNT for this week that I think most of you will enjoy, and then on Thursday a post about one of the new, amazing friends I made in NYC and her site.
‘Scuse me while I go collapse now.