Everyone has their own sugar cravings and their personal sugary weaknesses. For me, it's the pains aux raisins in the coffee shop around 3.30 p.m. For years, I’ve sat with a coffee, eating pâtisserie, feeling urban and chic when, in reality, I’m just devouring a massive cake. So, I’ve stopped completely, which has been hard. Very hard.
For you, it might be a Snickers, Haribo, or those post-workout strawberry-flavored protein shakes—whichever way, I feel your struggle. Unfortunately, sugar can put you in danger of developing diabetes, but it also affects your liver and has been linked to cognitive decline. Scary stuff, but with a dose of willpower and expert advice, your sugar cravings can be beaten.
Stress causes sugar addictionProfessor Serena Bartlett is an addiction neuroscientist and host of the Thriving Minds podcast. She has studied sugar and its effects on the brain. “Sugar uses exactly the same neural pathways as alcohol and nicotine,” says Bartlett. “It’s physically changing your brain.”
Sugar addiction is real and should be treated in much the same way as other addictions. Its roots are in early childhood and your current stress level. “If you think of your brain as a set of scales, it’s trying to find balance,” continues Bartlett. “If there’s stress on one side, it will use sugar to generate dopamine and balance that out on the other side.”
The childhood element is down to conditioning. We were all trained to see sugar as the reward for enduring the horror of vegetables, for reaching a birthday, a way to celebrate Halloween, Christmas, the end of the school day—and the list goes on. Professor Bartlett says that those in less sugar-obsessed societies do not feel the immediate pull of sweet things: a cupcake would not have the same appeal to someone growing up in a remote location without access to sweets or cause for celebration.
She recommends coming off sugar in the same way you come off any drug. “You need to take out one sugar-based item a week so you don’t experience withdrawal symptoms. Approach it as you would any 12-step program.” She also recommends becoming aware of situations that you associate with sugar consumption (e.g., coffee shops that stock pain aux raisins), finding new places to meet people, or sitting somewhere else after an anxiety-inducing Zoom call.
The next step is to think about replacements, exchanging the sweet treat for something healthier. Bartlett says this is her own go-to anti-sugar behavior: “It could be grapes or raw nuts—fiber counterbalances the effects of sugar on your gut.” The more you manage to go with the raw nuts and resist the dark arts of the pastry chef, the faster you are rewiring your brain to resist sugar in the future, but it's a long process. “It doesn’t happen overnight, and that’s where people give up,” says Bartlett. “It's three days of fruit and nuts, but then a stress comes along, and people go back to the thing that gives them a dopamine hit and makes them feel good.”
Bartlett says that looking at the causes of your stress is huge. “Tackle stress with a morning routine: meditation, cold showers, or looking out the window at a broad horizon, which is known to be neurologically relaxing.”
Another way to approach the day is to find sweet but healthier snacks. Lily Soutter is a London-based nutritionist and a master of smart food swaps. She recommends foods that fulfill some of the cravings but falls short of a cronut. A good place to start is fruit supplemented with pure nut butters (puréed nuts without added salt or sweetener): “If you combine some healthy fats with, say, an apple, it might be more appealing,” says Soutter. “It gives you that fat-sugar combo. Nut butter is also a source of protein, making you feel fuller for longer.”
When the weather cools, we yearn for warm desserts, the spongey pleasures of the school canteen. Here, Soutter suggests putting your fruit in the oven. “You might want to try baking fruit. Adding yogurt, nuts, and cinnamon will also offer that fat and sweetness combination.” She also makes energy balls with a sweet tang, combining “oats, cocoa powder, chia seeds and a little bit of honey – this is lower in sugar than an average chocolate bar with the added benefit of fiber and protein.” Studies also show the benefits of eating the equivalent of two tablespoons of honey a day, so there is some leeway if total abstinence feels like a stretch.
Often, the sugary devil comes in disguise—a protein bar, a “healthy” oat snack. Soutter says an easy way to strip away the “natural,” “whole grain” sales spiel is to read the tiny print on the packaging. “Any food with 22 grams of sugar per 100 grams is generally considered a high-sugar product,” warns Soutter. “And anything with less than five [grams] is a low-sugar product.” The battle is a daily one, and the necessary vigilance is ceaseless–but the payoff? Sweet.
This story originally appeared on British GQ with the title “How To Stop Sugar Cravings".