Essential grooming products


I get up and make coffee&#8212Whole Foods, Mexican variety—drink coffee, check the e-mail while waiting for my wife to get out of the bath. I shower, generally using Dr. Bronner’s soap, liquid, preferably almond, and any one of several shampoos, often my wife’s Kérastase. I find that whatever she uses works for me. She’s an elective blond, and dye-damaged hair has many of the same properties as that of a graying guy. Product? Kiehl’s Hair Conditioner and Grooming Aid Formula 133. Weleda deodorant—citrus or sage. No shave cream; I use the electric beard trimmer to reduce to an approximate three-day growth whenever my wife complains. I use the Gillette that vibrates for back-of-neck growth control. No aftershave, but if the mood strikes I’ll spritz a little fragrance—maybe something from Santa Maria Novella. Oral hygiene: Weleda salt toothpaste, Braun Oral-B electric toothbrush, and Waterpik. On retiring I use Wexler moisturizer treatment or whatever the wife swears by at the moment. Her skin is living proof, and mine looks better than that of the best minds of my generation.

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