Your Daily Eye Queue: How to Dress for a Blizzard, Your Guide to Buying Weed in Colorado, and More...


Image may contain Joan Allen Human Person Kevin Kline Face Clothing Apparel and <strong></strong>People


Everything you need to survive a winter storm and look good doing it. (Complex)

Get motivated to keep your workout resolution in check with H&M’s new collection of affordable activewear.


This year’s Writers Guild Award nominees include the screenplays for American Hustle, Her, and every other movie you enjoyed watching in 2013. (Vulture)


Read this for another perspective on why some are hesisitant to back marijuana’s legalization...and for all of you who are already on board, don’t miss this guide to buying weed in Colorado. (Gawker)


Check out Gilt for all of your sock and shoe needs with brands like Duckie Brown, Del Toro, and Sock it to Me all on sale right now. (Gilt)


Not only does Daylight Mind Coffee Company offer delicious brews from 100 percent Kona beans, but they’ve also put together a helpful cupping glossary so you can identify what you like most about each cup. (Cool Hunting)

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