aka “No more masturbating at work”
*In a few weeks, my job will change and I’ll move to a new location, new building. It’s not a new job, per se…..but the department I was in is being consolidated with all other similar departments and they’re taking us all from being scattered about the city complex to being all on the same floor of the same building. My duties will differ, there will be people I don’t know in my new unit. And…..my “privacy” and ability to jerk off at my desk might just be gone entirely.
I’ve been told by my supervisor’s supervisor that we’ll all have internet access – I just don’t know if it’ll be a different branch of IT or if the blocked sites list will be more strict – i.e. I may not be able to remote in to my home computer anymore. If I can’t, then I can’t write during the day, I can’t read blogs during the day, and most importantly….I can’t chat. There will be email that’s non-work, I should still be able to access Gmail, but not the chat function.
Losing the ability to play during work hours and perhaps lose the chat functionality is, I admit, a worry for me where Q is concerned. Might very well lose that side of us entirely. In all aspects. I suppose I’ll find out soon enough….
My current location, as you all should know, did not afford me any privacy……I was the “receptionist” for the floor, my desk front was visible to everyone who should walk by me and they did – constantly. But I had no worry of anybody coming up behind me and seeing my screen because it was simply impossible. And my “cube”, while sharing a wall with true cubes to my back, was large enough that I didn’t worry about being overheard. Not with the slight vibration sound, nor my choked moans, or heavy breathing.
Now, my cube is 8×8. U-shaped. The open end of the u-shape faces out to the aisle-way of a row of cubes, and the opposite cube is…….my supervisor. The way the computers are arranged, our backs will be to each other but that means that anytime she would turn around, she could see my screen. Or anyone could that walks by my cube. I’m surrounded in close quarters, really. The walls aren’t very tall – the shortest wall being 4″2 or some shit. I’m not sure which of the 3 cube walls is that height.
I intend to get a white-noise machine so that I hear less from the surrounding people, but I don’t know if it’ll mean they hear less from me – could it mask a bullet vibe tucked against my clit? Could it muffle the vast amount of typing?
I also don’t know what I’ll be doing, exactly. It’s a lot of speculation at this point. It’s been hinted that a lot of my work will be done away from my desk…..so then not only might I be losing the chat functionality….I’ll be losing a lot of email time, as well. Should THAT be the case….I worry about entire relationships dissolving.
Time will tell, a few short weeks. I can tell you I’m not looking forward to it. My new floor is supposedly 2 acres. There’s 350 people on it. I have to find different parking. Learn new people. I could just go elsewhere but there’s a hiring freeze. And of course civilian jobs, as we all know, are on the decline as well.
I’m back to blogging, slowly. Not back to HNT just yet though. But perhaps….since you all know my “freedom” at work is about to go, perhaps I’ll get some good requests I can fill for “at work exhibitionism” photos!