The Product Chamber is where we evaluate the players of the grooming game, testing all manner of creams, was, scrubs, etc. to help you pull it all together
**What: **Zeno Hot Spot
**How Much: **$39.99
**Why: **We run the risk of sounding like a my-life-is-over Proactiv testimonial by saying this, but it’s true: Zits happen. Even as an adult, they creep up like well-timed bombs at the worst possible moments—on the night of a first date, the morning of a big interview, or just on an otherwise reasonably fine Monday. If you’re cursed with the right chemistry, having a daily cleansing routine will only get you so far. That’s where a product like this comes in. The gadget annihilates emerging pimples and mild breakouts overnight. Apply a thin layer of the included medicated gel on your face and then reach for the wand. Turn it on and, with a circular motion, glide it over your face for a few seconds until the gel dries. Even though it has an uncomfortably close resemblance to a vibrator, it’s one of the quickest and most effective acne eliminators we’ve tried.
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