So you know how, for those of you who have a site tracker sort of thing, it can be really amusing and informative to see where people are coming from and how they got to you?
Sometimes…….not so much. Suddenly there were all these hits from a forum thread somewhere, to an HNT from a few months ago. What I read there about myself was hurtful to me. Sure, they don’t know me from the slut next door and they’re being judgmental and petty and all sorts of things. Sure, I shouldn’t take to heart what they might say about how I look. But I am a lot more thin-skinned than I’d like to be sometimes and it really pierced me. As my chest clutched in anxiety and hurt, watching the hits roll in, the absolutely wonderful husband of Coy Pink, Alec, whipped up a bit of code to redirect the gawkers from there to elsewhere. I don’t want reassurances that they’re assholes and I shouldn’t listen – to be frank the words were unkind in their delivery but they did speak the truth. I have already heard the dismissive reassurances from the friends I told this to but it doesn’t quite erase it.
I’m tapped out creatively right now with photos. I’m fed up with my own harsh self-criticism of said photos. Until I can think up something better than Angle 28 of My Big Tits, I’m done with HNT for the near future. I also prefer the sincere praise of my erotica, or the helpful/thoughtful/warm comments on my other writings to the once-weekly ogling of my exposed naughty bits. Sure I’ll still put up a photo here and there, but not like clockwork, not for HNT. Not now.
So instead, tell me, do you like my new site design? With the help of the ever-wonderful Alec in nudging the code bits around when I threw up my hands, the beautiful vector brushes from this talented girl, and the critical (not in the bad way, in the “darken that, lighten that, it’ll flow/pop better”) commentary from others with a great design eye like Naughty Secretary and my partner and others – I used the barebones template of this theme (despite its broken footer.php file) but obviously I totally did my own graphics. I just don’t know enough yet to write my own code. But the design idea and the Photoshop work is mine. It took me about 2 weeks to go from start to completion with both the graphics and the code tweaks (mainly because I tried my hardest to do as much code myself as I could, even though it undoubtedly took me 10 times longer than it would have taken Alec to do the same thing).
Oh and here’s your obligatory tit flashing :)
Same parking lot as the last time, more boldness. Same time of day. If there were any workers of the factory just below this lot in their parking lot, looking up in my direction, they couldn’t have missed this! lol