Want cheap, high-quality silicone sex toys? Tantus Grab Bag to the rescue! — Dangerous Lilly



One moan I get a lot from people who just don’t get it, is that silicone is too expensive for them. I give all of my myriad of selling points, I explain it clearly, but frequently it just comes down to “I am a poor [insert term here] and I just can’t swing $50+ on a singular sex toy that I may or may not like”. I hear you, I do. I dealt with the same feelings back before I started reviewing sex toys. Hell, I even feel it now sometimes.

But Tantus has done something awesome.  They’re doing something good for the environment and something good for you. But for those wondering how the Grab Bag section works and why and whatnot (I can’t be the only knowledge geek here!) I asked Ms Jenna to walk us through it:

So the deal on the grab bag toys is this: when we switch from one color to another in the machines, it takes a little while to get all the old color out and the new color fully running through the system. We were, at one point, simply discarding the silicone. But as you well know, silicone is expensive and it seemed like a lot of waste. Someone (and I can’t remember who, to be honest) came up with the idea that what if while the colors were switching we poured a few toys each time & sold them at a discount on the website? That way, the silicone doesn’t go to waste and customers who are looking for a deal and don’t really care about the color can get a new toy at a great price.

 I actually learned over the weekend that this isn’t a new idea – the Dum Dums lollipop people do the same thing with their “Mystery Flavor” lollipops. (Thanks, Food Network!) So there’s precedent, obviously. I like to think of the Grab Bag stuff as the Mystery Flavor of Tantus.

Any color that we currently have in production, therefore, can show up in a Grab Bag item. Some of them are very pretty, purely by accident, and some I am less thrilled about. It’s very much luck of the draw. We do try to pull out anything that looks really hideous, and most of the time people are happy when they get their toy. 

tl:dr – Super high-quality, affordable silicone sex toys, available in some of their most popular styles, wonderful for people who do not care about color.

You might very well get an awesome color. You might get a color that leaves a lot to be desired. But what do you want? You can’t have them both. If you care that much about color, then you pay full/sale price and get the exact thing you want. You lose all right to be disappointed by the color if you go the Grab Bag route. Me, personally, I’d be happy with the grab bag way of life. And I am. I got sent a random selection of Grab Bag items, not meant to impress or scare me, but something that is representative what they would give to any ole person who orders.  Am I less than crazy about the tan-colored Ryder? Yeah. Would it prevent my ass from enjoying it? Nope.

When you compare the prices, you just can’t beat this. Shown below is an Echo Vibrator, a Vamp dildo, a Ripple Small plug and a Ryder plug.  Grab Bag price = $90.96. Retail price = $183.96. So that’s, on average, saving you 50% at least.


The Ripple is black, and the Ryder is a tan color. Vamp is shown in a really festive red color, and Echo is ….I swear it’s subtly two-toned. It could be my eyes playing tricks, but it looks like the purple haze up top is just a hair lighter than at the bottom.


If you’re hoping, or even expecting, to get nothing but pretty colors? To get something in blue? It may not happen. As Jenna said, it’s just random. It changes all the time. You have to be very ZEN about the whole experience. It’s your choice, though. Save money and get affordable silicone sex toys or get particular colors and pay more.  They may in the future add more styles to the Grab Bag options. You won’t see O2 styles, because of how they have to be made. But I think that the current selection of styles really does cover a lot. You’ve got a moderately-sized dildo on a stick, a vibrating dildo with a lot of texture, a decently girthy dildo (Vamp), a toy for true anal beginners (the Ripple Small), a great little beginners prostate toy, and still two more butt toys including the ever-popular Ryder, the Leisure which is great for pegging or those who don’t like girth and texture, or the Silk Large which is a step up from the Leisure.


*If you’re buying Tantus, you’re helping to keep my site alive. I don’t get much in affiliate money anymore since ditching EF, so your support is exponentially appreciated if you choose to shop through my links. If you do choose to buy from my links, it might be best to clear out the cached cookies for Tantus. Thanks much!

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