Vin Diesel Rebuffs Dad Bod Charges with Most Vin Diesel Response Possible


Last week, we declared that perennially hard-bodied Vin Diesel had now become the proud owner of a Dad bod, showing up shirtless in Florida. There was no judgment passed, and no respect lost. Just journalists doing the journalism thing: reporting the #truth (as it relates to body types of people in movies). And doing press this weekend for his upcoming movie The Last Witch Hunter at Comic Con (in which he has hair and a beard!), it seems our colleagues in the media weren't going to shy away from the hard-hitting reporting either, continually asking, just what exactly does shirtless Vin Diesel look like these days?

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But that was only a tease. A few hours later, Vin Diesel did not disappoint, doing exactly what you'd expect Vin Diesel to do, lifting his shirt and letting his ABS do the talking.

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How did he do it! Was it a juice cleanse? Was it 72 straight hours of planking? Was it photoshop? Does Vin Diesel have a less fit, more pizza-loving twin brother who lives in Florida?

We can't say for sure. All we know, Mr. Diesel, is that ET Online first reported this. Please use your non-dad bod biceps to hurt them, not us.

Clay Skipper is a Staff Writer at GQ.XInstagramRelated Stories for GQVin DieselFast and the FuriousTVMovies

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