This is Grooming Gods, a tour of the best and wildest celebrity hair and beauty out there this week.
Edward BerthelotMads Mikkelsen
The Danish actor is best known for his unsettling good looks, but he's kind of a hair god? If you've got straight salt-and-pepper hair, this could be a good one to show your barber to copy.
Jacopo RauleViggo Mortensen
Another excellent salt-and-pepper look from Cannes.
Edward BerthelotMichele Morrone
In case you're wondering the correct amount of pomade for Italian movie star.
Arnold JerockiKylian Mbappé
The crisp fade is maybe the fourth slickest element of this Riviera look, but it doesn't hurt.
Samir HusseinJordan Barrett
Why not try brushing your hair forwards this weekend?
RB/Bauer-GriffinTom Hiddleston
*Beyonce voice* I can see your halo!
Edward BerthelotConor McGregor
McGregor's barber nailed the tricky beard-fade interface.
Raymond HallChris Rock
Clean shaven and walking around Manhattan like the AirPods and waves meme come to life.
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