Stretch, Lift, Run, and Work Out in Ovadia & Sons


This image may contain Clothing Apparel Coat and <strong></strong>Jacket

Thanks to the growing popularity of "athleisure," a made-up word for the rise of casually wearing workout gear, more brands are hopping on the fitness train. Gone are your beloved mesh basketball shorts and old T-shirts, replaced by high-performance, high-design, high-tech gym gear. You’ve probably noticed it yourself if you hang around the gym enough—it’s become a place to stunt with your clothing as much as your lifts. Today, the fraternal designers at Ovadia & Sons joined the stable of labels to provide fitness-appropriate clothing with their Ovadia+ collection. If you prefer to look like a slightly-futuristic, style-minded, and sleek dude at the gym (or on the street), we suggest you cop a few pieces. We’re still not down for trading in our suits, but we’re starting to dig this whole "athleisure" thing.

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