Meta Blogging — Dangerous Lilly



So you know that e[lust] has a modified summer schedule, right? Well it’s time for edition #18, submissions are open till Tuesday. I also am still looking for people to volunteer to be a (mostly) anonymous judge for the Top 3 on elust. If I don’t have enough judges, I can’t give you guys a Top 3. I don’t expect volunteers to be available every edition, don’t worry! Email if you’re interested.

NYC Sex Bloggers Calendar

You only have until August 1st to buy a day or 5 so get crackin! Please! See my post here for incentives from me.

Blog Organization

Due to boredom at work (read: refusal to do boring work) I made up a page of links to all the Ask Lilly posts. I also made an extensive sex toy care and maintenance guide page; Epiphora asked on Twitter yesterday what thing we hated reading in sex toy reviews, and my answer was the boring “not this again” rote of cleaning and lube use. It’s boring to me because it’s common knowledge but I know that a lot of people read my reviews from doing a google search and they might not know. So instead of wasting the time of the old-hats, I’ll just put in links to the proper spot on the maintenance guide, in the reviews.

Due to some kinda-serious health issues, new meds, and a frantic mad dash to copy over the remaining posts at the Co-op in the next 2 weeks (anybody wanna help? lol), I don’t know if I’ll be blogging all that much. Unless of course you ask me some really good Formspring questions ;)

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