Back to my "roots" — Dangerous Lilly


It’s been a while since I posted an exhibitionist sort of photo. I plan to start remedying that.

On the last day with my old Razr phone, some photos were taken. R had requested ahead of time that I be sure it was charged, he was going to ask for some photos throughout the day, a proper send-off for the phone that served me well.

As I sat there in my car in my lot that morning I noticed how and where the sun was hitting me. I knew that with the sunlight hitting me so brightly that my semi-sheer bra would be more pronounced. So I set about snapping a photo or two of my sweater yanked down to expose my tits in my red bra. I also then angled it so that it could be seen where I was and that it was a bit risky.

I did not expect to look at the photo once taken and see a person in it.

Did she see me? I really don’t know. She walked behind my car but who knows really.


The black car to the very left of the frame is one thats parked next to me. The bus you see going by is on the street my lot is off of. And there in between the bus and the car is the aforementioned lady.

{ Edit to say outright that this isn’t for HNT, I’m not participating this week…perhaps next week, we’ll see, I’m burnt out on it all…}

Classification to which the article belongs:Fashionchannel,Click to enter>>