How To Get Rid of Hat Hair, Fast


Who doesn’t love a good hat? Be it ball cap or beanie, panama or one of those shearling-lined ear-flapped numbers, a quality piece of headwear is an important part of any guy's closet. And as we head further into the frigid depths of Pumpkin Spice season, a hat's basically necessary. Problem is, hats don't care about your hair, or the amount of time you put into making it look presentable. We're talking about that most dastardly of conditions: hat hair.

Hat hair—A flattened crown, paired with those distinct ridges carved like cave drawings into the sides of your skull—has been the downfall of many a great hairstyle. But you can fight back. Try these tricks to reclaim your cut.

The Right Cut: There are some haircuts that are more conducive to hat-wearing than others. In particular, ‘dos that are shorter on the sides give the band inside your hat less hair to indent, meaning you only have to worry about your hair up top.

Hands, Not Brush: The only way you’re gonna beat this thing is by making it look intentional. But by using a comb, you’re doing just the opposite: the perfect lines they leave behind will make that depression around the rim of your head even more noticeable. So instead, brush with your fingers. You'll look deliberately disheveled—and not like you've worn a hat for hours.

Tools at the Ready: If you know you’re going to be wearing a hat, anticipate the consequences. So keep a few products on hand for when things get, erm, hairy. Now, what product depends on the severity of the cranial disaster zone. Hair looking just a little flat? A light texturizing powder will be all you need to restore some body. Or are things really out of whack? In that case, you might want to go hardcore and break out the pomade.

The Wet Towel Method: Own a steamer for your clothes? The same basic concept applies here—hair that's been hat-fussed is roughly equivalent to wrinkled clothes. Soak a towel in steaming hot water, then wring it out and wrap it around the edges of your head. After a few minutes, the steam from the water will have effectively eradicated any offending hair ridges.

The Nuclear Option: Sometimes, you’ve got to accept defeat and go back to square one. So dunk your head in the damn sink, towel off, restyle your ‘do to look just like it did first thing in the morning and call it a day. If all goes as planned, no one will be the wiser.

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